Zep Playground

Experiment with Zep's Long-term Memory. Zep retrieves relevant facts from past conversations to ensure your AI Assistant understands the context of the conversation.

Memory is an opinionated high-level API offered by Zep. Zep does the heavy lifting of determining which facts are relevant to the conversation. Developers may also run a semantic search over artifacts such as Facts, Summaries, and Messages to manually populate prompts with relevant context.

Register for a Zep Account to use Zep with your own data, gain access to advanced models, Dialog Classification, Structured Data Extraction, other Memory Types, and more. Sign Up


Facts are extracted from the dialog, and deduplicated and deconflicted. These are updated in real-time as new messages are added to the Session.

Zep offers developers tools to determine the relevance of facts to their conversations and tune how Facts are extracted.

Message History

Zep stores your Assistant's conversation in a Message History and offers a simple interface to retrieve the most recent dialog for inclusion in your prompt.